Ape Saviya

Our idea is to create 3 individual communities in each of the 25 districts across Sri Lanka. Each community will have a community leader;  this is a total of 75 separate communities and 75 leaders, respectively. The district heads for Sarvodaya will be overseeing this project in their own district, and will be working closely with the community leaders.

Our Purpose is to help villages in Sri Lanka where people are struggling to make ends meet. Whether this can be achieved by simply providing them a platform to sell their goods, or by linking them with like-minded people who have the same goal.


Business Networking

Business networking will provide a platform that can easily and efficiently link producers with buyers and sellers, so that goods can circulate through the market easily. Networking will also allow people to help each other out.

For example: 

Someone looking For an office space can easily find a person who has a place to rent is looking for a potential client. 

Social Networking

Social networking will help bring people together and form diverse friendships with others regardless of their race, religion, age, gender etc.

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